
I am a theosophist. Philosophical, tenacious & pragmatic, theosophist have existed since the ‘dawn of man’; though not always under that specific label. For lack of better words...most Western (Hemisphere) minds would call us 'mystics.' These mystics then are the true students of mystery.

There are some mysterious things about life itself...such as death. What is it? Why do men fear it so? Why are we compelled to sleep and what is its true purpose? What is a ghost, and are they real? What are dreams, and why do we have them. A few religions may dance around these topics but, Theosophy alone is compelled to dive into, and learn from these so called mysteries…ignorance in reality. I don’t know everything, only a fool would claim such. I am certain though, I know a great deal more than most of you.

I could attempt to describe these thing to you in my own words…and in certain instances I will have to. My god, my guide, my ally has compelled me share that which has been revealed to me. I have studied these materials for a very long time in this life, and the ones preceding it as well. While I would never accept or seek the label ‘expert;’ I do accept the term ‘student’. WE ARE ALL STUDENTS TOGETHER. I am merely further progressed upon the path than my lesser illumed brethren.

The materials presented herein could quite reasonably be described by your generation as “fucking boring” (some parts) by some OR as “extra” (i see that) by others. It is not an easy subject to understand…but only in the beginning. We theosophist believe that any exposure to the Theosophical Doctrine will ultimately provide some benefit to the minds imbibing it. We can only lead you to the water…we can not make you drink…nor can we drink for you.

Theosophy has three chief objective or mission parameters:


Brotherhood of man, without distinction of race, color, religion, or social position.


The serious study of the ancient world-religions for purposes of comparison and the selection therefrom of universal ethic.


The study and development of the latent divine powers in man.

While all those three objectives are important, my focal point is number three.

I am not a Jew. I am not a Muslim. I am not a Christian. I am not Black. I am not White. I can only say that I am. You will notice the labels I have just mentioned and shunned are particularly close to the root cause of personal & societal problems…which if I had to choose a single word…then Elitism…or the “I am better than you” mentality would be my answer. Take a moment & think about it.

As this blog is about education of a spiritual sense…its time we get on with it. I will choose a selection of books that (in my opinion) cover the most material, are easy to read and understand, and are widely available for everyone to download for free. I will put forth a massive amount of effort, all I ask is that you (the reader) put forth just a little. I hope you will join me in the next post…I think you may enjoy the first book I have chosen for you.

I deleted my previous blog series as it was not in alignment with my directives nor was my tone appropriate for the material or task at hand. In fact this is my fourth attempt at this literary endeavor. The only portion that escaped deletion was the blog post describing and pointing to the glossary of terms I am preparing for your consumption. That post precedes this one but can also be found here : “The Glossary.”




The Glossary