Prana 101
So, over the course of this blog, you have been introduced to “Prakriti” or “Material Nature”. If you have bothered to listen to, or dare I say perhaps even study, the material in Bhagavad Gita; you would come to understand that all forms (material beings or matter based things) are “entangled” in Material Nature. Material Nature you could say is a product of the interactions of Prana & Kama (Prana X Kama = Prakriti, in a very, very, very simple mathematical analogy). There is a direct correlation between Prana & Kama, as you will learn here today. We already established that Kama is the “Desire” principle or impulse, but what is Prana? Let’s us review and examine the “Septenary” concept to get a better understanding.
Below, you will find a few diagrams to better understand the relationships of the parts to the whole, concerning the Septenary Principles. Please remember that ANY diagram or model is in NO WAY definitive! They are merely tools to help the concepts and relationships materialize in the thoughts of the students. In reality, all principle interpenetrate each other. The Six Heterogenous Principles (Buddhi, Mana, Prana, Kama, Linga Sarira, Sthula Sarira) are specializations of the One Homogenous Principle (Atma).
Star of David & Swastika Image
Perhaps you have seen this symbols before. Some peoples refer to it as the “Star of David.” It’s not the Star of Anyone, as geometric shapes do not belong to anyone. This is symbol seen throughout antiquity, and Judaism is the most recent religion to make use of it. Quite ironically the Swastika, popularized by the Nazi Party of Germany, is also another ancient symbol again borrowed & misallocated by some cultural production of men. Also, that symbol does not belong to the Nazi’s, as it existed long before they were even an thought. There is much power hidden in symbols, especially the ones considered “Divine.” The only thing that can truly unify Mankind is a common belief in Deity. Now think about the two above symbols, did there usage serve the purpose of unify a specific people? Indeed they did, and still do.